DIY Flower Headband

Hello there! A while back I purchased a beautiful floral spiked headband from CREEPYYEHA. She makes beautiful accessories that blur the border between innocence and fetish. I absolutely loved my headband, and unfortunately it fell to its death, causing the band to snap. Unfortunately, she no longer makes the same style headband or I would have just purchased a new one. I decided to attempt to make my own, with varied results… In any case, here's a simple guide on what I did:

Supplies! I got some silk flowers and spikes from eBay and Michael's, a headband from Michael's (props to them for finally carrying them, when I worked there a few years back people would always ask for them!), and some glue. NOTE: E-6000 is pictured here but I ended up not using it. It became terribly messy because it did not dry fast enough, so the flowers kept drooping and falling to the side. I switched to a hot glue gun because it dries faster and was a lot easier to work with. These are cheap and can be found at any craft store, of course :).

The flowers I got had some tiny stems on them. Snip them off so there's more of a flat surface to glue them on (regular scissors work fine). I recommend doing this to all the flowers you're going to use before you start gluing - it'll make your life a bit easier.

Glue your flowers to the headband by adding a small dot of glue to the headband and then gently pressing the flower onto the surface. Hold it there for about 20-30 seconds to let it set. Be gentle with it as you keep moving because it might not be totally dry and you don't want to knock it off!

Varying the width between your flowers can give you different looks. You can space them out more so you can alternate with spikes, or you can glue them a lot closer together to get a thicker, more crown-like effect.

Finished result!
This was just my first attempt. Because I tried using the E-6000 at first it's a bit sloppy. Oops!
Another view.
Here's one with the flowers spread out a bit more! This is my favorite.

I used some flowers from Michael's on this one. I don't really like how poofy
these flowers were - it was hard to get a totally flat surface on the bottom of them,
so when I glued them they were at an angle. Maybe I just need to get used to it ;).


  1. Which CREEPYYEHA band style was it? And how did it break? I thought she used leather-covered headbands in her work? (Seen her stuff on etsy, but the price kills me plus I can make it myself) A great place for cheap, wholesale spikes of various sizes/heights is StudsandSpikes btw.

    1. It was leather covered, but there's plastic underneath - it's like a strip of leather on top of the plastic, so the bottom is still exposed. I knocked it off my head with an umbrella and when it fell onto the brick the plastic part broke in half, making it all bendy in the middle because the leather was the only part keeping it together (if that makes sense...hard to explain haha).

      I will check out StudsandSpikes, thanks for the recommendation! :)

  2. Oh geez that sucks! Your explanation makes sense, I've broken "covered" headbands before.XD

    You're welcome :) I'm getting spikes of various sizes to make my perfect headband, they sell singles for only couple of cents, up to a dollar. Bag of 20 are like $7 and some change but hey, you get a giant bag of spikes!
